The more we share. The more we have. These are words we sang on our recent tour. I joked it was a song about socialism. But in a way it was.
I believe in world where no one wins unless everyone wins. And these days there are still many around the world who suffer from lack of clean water, war & discrimination, bad policies, most of our suffering is created by humans. Therefore, the more we share information, resources, and compassion, the better off we’ll be.
If you have access to this internet post, there’s already a lot you can be grateful for. Today is giving Tuesday. Give in a way that someone will be grateful for you.
Today I’m personally giving to the ASCAP Foundation which helps music grow. And, I’m giving to Life Rolls On Foundation which provides quality of life programs & freedom from paralysis to people with spinal cord injuries.
I would also like to mention how I proud I am of the work of my colleagues who help make the Jason Mraz Foundation a constant source of giving. JMF gives year-round support in scholarships & grants to champion inclusive arts education & the advancement of equality. JMF gets its funding through concert ticket sales & generous donations. If you’ve been to a show in the last few years, you’ve already contributed! If you’d like to give more, you can. 🙂
Thank you.
May Peace be with us all.