LISTA was one of many working titles for Know. It’s an acronym for Love Is Still The Answer. In Spanish, LISTA can be interpreted as Ready.
Now, I am Ready for you to send in a video clip of Love being the answer. How do you view Love in the world? Who is Love in your life? Is it a person, an animal, an activity, a place, a memory, a new moment – where you point your hearts camera is up to you. I am ready to discover where it goes.
Send us your video (read on for details) and film director Martin Montgomery (Have It All The Movie) will compile as many clips as possible into a new music video for LISTA to be shared with the world on Valentine’s Day.
Our time is short.
Click here to enter by February 4, 2019 at 11:59pm ET. One video submission per person.
Clips should not exceed 1 minute or 300 MBs.
We prefer clips to be shot using smartphones (iPhone, Android, etc.) in landscape mode instead of vertical mode.
Please send original clips and not a clip that has been compressed.
Use one of these recommended transfer methods: YouTube or Vimeo link (with download button activated); wetransfer.com; masv.io; downloadable links from Dropbox or Box.